Day 3: LeaverBuster

I need to get away from this game for today: the frustration I’m feeling is escalating for the moment. Disconnects, super lag (we need East Coast servers), and reported for AFKing by accident since I had lag spikes. So now I have LeaverBuster Level 1 warning, sigh. Riot’s support team answered my ticket about how I can’t log into my account on the website, but it was no help. Not exactly my day, is it?

The games today were awful to say the least, first one I got a weird disconnect so I didn’t get to finish. The 2nd game that I had after restarting my computer was exasperating due to a player AFKing and insisted on mid lane when someone else already called it. AS you can imagine, two people were fighting in mid, leaving me to fight in bot alone. Experienced players can do this either way, sure, but I’m no good yet. Not feeling too chipper currently, so I’m going to take a break.

Hoping for a better tomorrow. /lowmorale

Day 2: Bot games

I wanted to participate in the forums, introduce myself and talk with others today but I can’t log into the website. I tested it with another account I made and it works, so I’m confused on why I can’t log in with the other. After testing with different browsers, I resigned myself to sending a ticket to support explaining my situation so let’s hope for a swift response.

Today I decided to do some research on all the champions League of Legends offers. Since then, I met and fell in love with Ezreal: he’s so cool looking. Seeing as he was one of the champions on sale this week, I bought him and gave him a test drive.

(Author’s note: Learning the League of Legends terminology, so bear with me!)

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Day 1: New account


Okay, so I finally got into this game now that I have the time to do so, just got registered and everything. If you look my summoner profile up right now, I’m level 1. This game got very good reviews from people I know, and the graphics speak for themselves: it looks awesome. I already looked up some vifeos, this is going to be sick and I can’t wait. The bad news is I can’t run this game on my desktop (needs a better PC).

But fear not: I can run League of Legends on my laptop! Though, it looks like I’ll have to invest in a laptop mouse in the near future, the keyboard mousepad doesn’t make things easier for me. Anyways, let’s look at how I did in Battle Training and my very first Co-op vs AI game. Without further ado, let’s check out my results for today’s games, shall we?

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